About Us

History of Edenwild Inn a Lopez Island Company
Edenwild Inn has been welcoming guest since 1989.

Edenwild History

Edenwild was originally built as a passion project by architect/designer Susan Ayran and Hollywood Actor Tom Skerrit in 1989. Susan based Edenwild on the Victorian Inn found in Coastal New England but with interior room layouts found in modern accommodations. The Rovente Family has continued expanding Edenwild’s footprint but keeping the building’s original charm and design. They take pride in continuing the legacy of Edenwild, which is renowned for its simple yet elegant island hospitality. Edenwild has been featured in national and international publications such as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Travel and Leisure, Lonely Planet, and many more.

Meet the Owners

Anthony & Crystal came to Lopez in the Summer of 2013 to raise their young family. They fell in love with the island’s natural beauty as well as the strong sense of community. The Edenwild allows them to share this amazing island with visitors, a tradition they hope to keep alive for many years to come.

Meet the Team Edenwild Inn Family
Meet the Team at Edenwild, a family run business.